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Tag Archives: art
TRC #558: Can Hippos Swim? + Neil deGrasse Tweetstorm + Mona Lisa True Colours
After we posted a funny meme on TRC’s Facebook page, a couple of Checkers question whether hippos can really swim so Pat goes on a mission to find out. Simple yes or no answer, right? Not on this show! Darren … Continue reading
TRC #520: Did We Get Banksied? + UN Climate Change Report + Did Taylor Swift Increase Voter Registration?
Your weekly dose of fun and facts is here! We definitely had a lot of laughs taping the show this week. First, Producer Pat points his skeptical lens at the recent Banksy incident rocking the Art World to find out … Continue reading
The Reality Check – Episode 6 – The Placebo Effect, Science on TV, and the art of persuasion
This week we discuss the placebo effect, science in entertainment, Science Debate 2008, and the art of persuasion in politics. Listen now: download mp3