TRC #413: Helium Infused Beer? + Stuart Robbins On Proxima B, SETI Signal, New Horizons + Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin

heliyumcropIs helium infused beer really a thing? Pat looks into the science behind a video making the social media rounds. Our favo(u)rite astronomer stops by to answer our questions about the recent exoplanet discovery, mysterious SETI signal, and the latest on New Horizons. Finally, Adam dives in to determine whether Scrooge McDuck could swim in his money bin.


Download direct: mp3 file

Helium Infused Beer The Hard Truth About Helium Beer

Stone Brewing: Helium Beer Video

Snopes: Helium Beer

AweSci: Helium Beer

Samuel Adams Video

Die BierProbierer Video

Dr. Stuart Robbins



Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin

How Much Money Would It Take To Fill Scrooge’s Money Bin? – Observation Deck

[Ducktales] How does Scrooge McDuck swim through his money bin without breaking his skull as he dives in? (self.AskScienceFiction) – Reddit

The Money Bin – Disney Wiki

How Much Gold Would You Need to Recreate Scrooge McDuck’s Gold Coin Swim?

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One Response to TRC #413: Helium Infused Beer? + Stuart Robbins On Proxima B, SETI Signal, New Horizons + Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin

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