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Darren talks about a recent study that claimed that high IQs are correlated with liberalism, atheism and monogamy. Jon interview local weight loss and nutrition expert Dr. Yoni Freedhoff about milk and other weight loss issues. Adam discusses the myth that it is illegal to pick Ontario’s flower: the trillium.
Listen now: http://media.libsyn.com/media/therealitycheck/The_Reality_Check_Ep_80_-_2010-03-04.mp3
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Show Notes
IQ Study
Dr Yoni Freedhoff Interview
Canadian Dairy Association’s Marketing Site
Procon.org – Does drinking milk contribute to heart disease?
Ottawa Citizen Article about exercise
Dr. Walter Willett’s Food Guide
Trillium Myth
Bill 184 – Ontario Trillium Protection Act
Illegal to pick a trillium? Not quite. – The Star