Elan debunks some gross myths about the contents of the food that McDonald’s serves. Adam goes baby crazy when talking about necklaces that supposedly help with teething. Jon talks about a recent study that sheds light on the debate surrounding whether gas prices go up before a long weekend.
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Show Notes
McDonalds Myths
McDonalds Myth busters
Snopes – McDonalds food not made out of food
Snopes – McDonalds meat made from worms
Snopes: 100% beef
The stir: Chicken Nuggets
Urban Legends – Chicken head in chicken wings
Teething Necklaces
Teething – Wikipedia
Witch Hazel – The Mangy Herbal Encyclopedia
Pur Noisetier
Tearless Teething
Amber Teething Necklaces
Succinic Acid – Skepticon
Long Weekend Fuel Prices
Canada.com coverage of the myth
MJ Ervin & Associate’s gas price data
Study showing gas price hike to be a myth
What a sweet picture! We are etpncxieg our first boy in April. (We have a 2-year-old daughter.) I can’t wait to see how fun it is to be a mama to a boy! I’d love to link up with you!