Darren kicks off the show with an important segment that examines the benefit of getting the COVID vaccine versus any potential risks using critical thinking. Cristina takes a ride down the MLM highway and explores Truth In Advertising’s recent scrutiny of Mary Kay’s deceptive pinky promises. Finally, Adam really does a deep dive to find out, what does the fox say?
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COVID Vaccine Risk and Critical Thinking
Don’t Compare Blood Clots After J&J Vaccine to Birth Control Risk
Mary Kay Pink Cadillac
Mary Kay Off-Roads into Deceptive Income Claims
Mary Kay’s Deceptive Pinky Promises
Mary Kay Beauty Consultants Locator: Find Mary Kay Cosmetics and Consultants Near You
FTC’s Business Guidance Concerning Multi-Level Marketing
MLMs Continue to Break the Law Despite FTC Warning
FTC Coronavirus Warning Letters to Companies
What Does The Fox Say?
Ylvis – The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) [Official music video HD] – YouTube
What the Fox ACTUALLY Says (The Scream of a Fox) – YouTube
The foxes that say HEHEHE – YouTube
Animal Sounds in Norwegian – Tumblr