TRC #372: Knowledge Translation with Dr. Ken Milne + Name That: Nobel Edition + Ghost Weddings

foamedEmergency medical doctor Ken Milne and host of The Skepticโ€™s Guide to Emergency Medicine podcast is a totally gnarly dude! He takes time out to join the panel and talk about the knowledge translation project which he founded. Pat teaches us all a few things with a riveting game of Name That featuring Nobel Prize trivia. Finally, Darren gives us a spirited segment by looking into whether people in China are stealing corpses for ghost weddings.

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Dr. Ken Milne

The Skeptic’s Guide To Emergency Medicine

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Name That: Nobel Edition

Nobel Laureates

Smithsonian Magazine: First Nobel Prizes

Nobel Prize Quiz

Nobel Prize: Gandhi

Interesting Nobel Prize Facts

Wikipedia: Arthur McDonald

NYTimes: Alice Munro Wins Nobel Prize

Wikipedia: List of IgNobel Prize Winners

Ghost Weddings

Toronto Star ย 


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7 Responses to TRC #372: Knowledge Translation with Dr. Ken Milne + Name That: Nobel Edition + Ghost Weddings

  1. Pingback: SGEM Xtra: The Reality Check | The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine

  2. Ken Milne says:

    Thank you again for inviting me to be on TRC. Enjoyed talking about evidence based medicine, knowledge translation and FOAMed. Was also happy to have held my own in Nobel trivia.

  3. A pendant’s treasure trove. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s the *Swedish* Central Bank for the Economics prize in honour of Alfred Nobel.

    And Socrates argued against the written word:
    “The discovery of the alphabet will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves … You give your disciples not truth but only the semblance of truth; they will be heroes of many things, and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing.”
    -Socrates, “Phaedrus”

    Marshall McLuhan quotes it in “The Medium is the Massage.” ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. David says:

    Popeye actually quipped: “Spinach is full of vitamin ‘A’ an’ tha’s what makes hoomans strong an’ helty” [source: Cronin].
    The controversy surrounding the amount of iron in this leafy green centers on a report made in 1972 by a nutritionist. Professor Arnold Bender asserted that 19th century German researchers made an error when recording spinach’s iron content by placing the decimal point in the wrong position, accidentally multiplying spinach’s iron content by 10. The story, which contended spinach had no more iron than other common vegetables, was perpetuated as fact in medical journals, textbooks and popular culture for more than 30 years until it was proven incorrect in a meticulously researched article by criminologist Mike Sutton. Sutton concluded that these German researchers never existed [source: Kruszelnicki, Sutton].

  5. Pingback: SGEM#141: Popeye and the Paperclip | The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine

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