Pat kicks off this week’s show revisiting an older segment on DNR with some new information about the mortality rate in DNR patients. Darren looks into the phenomenon of men having more than one penis. Finally, Adam hands us a segment about the interesting origin of the Vulcan Salute and the Death Grip myth.
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DNR Revisited
Previous Segment On Planning Your Own Death Part 1 and Part 2
Study: DNRs and Post-Op Morbidity
Study: High Mortality In Surgical Patients with DNRs
Study: Increased Risk Of Death – DNRs
Do Patients Die Because They Have DNRs or Do They Have DNRs Because They Are Going To Die
DNR: Does It Mean Do Not Treat?
DNRs Associated With Poor Surgical Outcomes
Toronto Star: Half-Hearted Medical Care for Hopeless Cases
Penile Duplication
Vulcan Salute & Death Grip
The Iconic “Live Long and Prosper” Hand Gesture Was Originally A Jewish Sign – Today I Found Out
Vulcan death grip – Memory Alpha
Vulcan nerve pinch – Memory Alpha
Hi Reality Checkers. Just listening to your latest episode and I have to correct something Adam said in his segment (after all, it’s about something important 😉 ).
Leonard Nimoy did not come up with the Vulcan nerve pinch for the show’s second season mirror universe episode (‘Mirror Mirror’), but much earlier in the series, for the first season episode ‘The Enemy Within’, which also has a duplicate Captain Kirk running around. But without the facial hair.