TRC #253: MSM Blood Donations + Katy Perry Twitter Hoax + Swimming After Eating

eating_swimmingOnce again we have an amazing episode of The Reality Check ready for your consumption. Adam starts things off by looking into the science behind the policy of not letting men who have had sex with other men to give blood. Next Elan discusses a recent Twitter hoax involving Katy Perry. Special guest host Jon Abrams ends the show by answering the question of whether or not you should refrain from swimming after eating.

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Blood donation for men who have had sex with men

Canada lifts lifetime ban on gay men giving blood – Toronto Star

Ontario’s High Court upholds ban on gay, bi men giving blood

Effects of Lifting Blood Donation Bans on Men Who Have Sex with Men

ACBSA recommendations

Gay male blood donor controversy – Wikipedia

No evidence of a significantly increased risk of transfusion-transmitted human immunodeficiency virus infection in Australia subsequent to implementing a 12-month deferral for men who have had sex with men (CME)  

Katy Perry Twitter Hoax

Another twitter account posing as a child with cancer for attention @lifeasmeredit

MeredithCancerSurvivor Facebook page

Swimming After Eating


NY Times




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One Response to TRC #253: MSM Blood Donations + Katy Perry Twitter Hoax + Swimming After Eating

  1. Tara says:

    The MSM blood donation thing is really tricky. If someone hasn’t had any unprotected sex or other risks, the testing is accurate at 3 months. So why the 5 year ban? And this also goes for other “high risk” groups. There does seem to be something discrminatory/homophobic about MSM. ANd if someone is going to lie, they are going to lie. Plus, the blood is tested. It’s as if HIV can “hide”.
    (I work in sexual health and HIV testing)

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