The Reality Check #206: Violence Declining + Judge Shows + Steve Jobs Stole The Mouse

In this week’s episode Pat Roach joins in as a guest. Darren starts things off with a discussion on whether violence is declining; a review of Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature. Adam passes judgment on courtroom television shows and Pat explores the myth that Steve Jobs stole the mouse from Xerox Parc.

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Show Notes

Violence Declining

Aaron The Book Reporter at New Books In Brief

Judge Shows

What Legal Authority Does Judge Judy Have? – Mental Floss

How Do Those Judge Shows On TV Work? Weakonomics

Out of Order: Infiltrating Judge Joe Brown –

The People’s Court – Wikipedia

Divorce Court – Wikipedia

Judge Judy – Wikipedia

Judge Alex – Wikipedia

Judge Joe Brown – Wikipedia

Judge Judy Sheindlin – Little Known Facts – Yahoo! Voices

In The Audience At One Of Those Fake-Judge “Reality” Shows – Houston – News – Hair Balls

Did Steve Jobs Steal the Mouse?

SRI Timeline of Innovation

Gladwell on Innovation Truths and Confusions

Douglas Engelbart

Xerox Parc, Apple and the Truth about Innovation

Engelbart: The Mother of all Demos

Video: The Mother of all Demos (1 of 9)


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3 Responses to The Reality Check #206: Violence Declining + Judge Shows + Steve Jobs Stole The Mouse

  1. Yves Dubois says:

    I know of at least one Canadian court show… in french!

  2. Adam says:

    Thanks Yves. I had not heard of this one. Indeed it looks like this show uses a similar system for paying out the award as other shows:

    “Si vous avez un litige et que vous souhaitez le résoudre RAPIDEMENT et GRATUITEMENT, soumettez-le à l’Arbitre. Les participants à l’émission recevront un cachet minimal de 100$ et tous dommages accordés par l’Arbitre à une des parties seront défrayés à même un fonds constitué par le Producteur.”

    Looks like I know what I need to do if I ever get in legal trouble…

    Also the show goes up to 7000$ which is more than Judge Judy does!

    “Il faut qu’une des deux personnes poursuive l’autre pour un montant n’excédant pas 7 000$”

    Also, she does not appear to be a “real” judge but then the show doesn’t seem to insinuate she is outside of her clothing:

  3. vacances says:

    Hellο; Je ѕuis agée dе vingt-seρt
    années .
    Je m’appelle Jacquenett.
    Mon boulot: barmaid . Est-ce un défaut d’être attentionnée ?

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