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This week we discuss the plausibility of a zombie apocalypse, whether or not crime is as bad as ‘they’ say, and why the moon seems bigger some nights.
Listen now: http://media.libsyn.com/media/therealitycheck/The_Reality_Check_Ep_17_-_2008-12-04.mp3
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Show Notes
Show Notes:
Zombies on the Brains
Biosafety Levels Explained
National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Level 4 bioresearch lab in Canada)
Nematomorpha (Parasite that causes crickets to drown themselves)
Toxoplasmosa Gondii (Causes mice to be attracted to cats, exists in humans too)
This American Life Episode Featuring the Zombie Raccoon (Act 1, approx. 6 minutes in)
The Science of Zombies (thevarsity.ca)
“How Zombies Work” (howstuffworks.com)
Investigating Crime Stats
Homicide in Canada
Crime Statistics in Canada
Children and Youth as Victims of Violent Crimes
Breaking and Entering in Canada
Moon Illusion
Wikipedi Article
News article
Angular Size
Moon Illusion diagrams (see picture 4)