Cristina kicks off the show by taking a closer look at the NY Times Best Seller list and what being a “bestselling author” really means. Adam puts Occam’s razor to good use while exploring whether it’s plausible that Jeffrey Epstein may have committed suicide in jail. Finally, Darren digs into anthropologist Joseph Henrich’s book, “The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter.”
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NY Times Best Seller List
Fast Company: What Being A “Bestselling Author” Really Means
Cracked: 5 Official-Sounding Measurements That Are Complete BS
LA Times: Can bestseller lists be bought?
Wiki: The NY Times Best Seller List
Vox: Best Seller Lists Expained
Patheos: How Mark Driscoll Gamed The Publishing Game
Christian Today: Fast-tracked restoration: Why is Mark Driscoll already back in church leadership?
Epstein Suicide?
What Happens on Suicide Watch? – Slate
Who Was Watching Epstein? Suicide Watch At MCC Often Staffed By Inmate Observers – Forbes
Why Are So Many Sex Offenders Getting Murdered in California’s Prisons? – Vice
The Secret Of Our Success