Pat digs into a listener request about a report that found ‘ALARMING’ amounts of the herbicide glyphosate in food. Next, Darren takes a closer look at the data on whether female and male interests differ, on average. Lastly, Cristina checks the science behind the saying that laughter is the best medicine.
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Glyphosate In Food?
Scientific American: Widely Used Herbicide Linked To Cancer
Report From Food Democracy Now
American Council On Science And Health – Glyphosate O’s
Snopes: Monsanto Suppressing Evidence Of Cancerous Herbicide In Food?
American Council On Science And Health – EPA States Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer
National Pesticide Information Center – Glyphosate
Credible Hulk: Glyphosate Toxicity Looking Past The Hyperbole and Sorting Through The Facts
Average Female And Male Interests Differ?
Slate Star Codex – Contra Grant
Laughter The Best Medicine?
Forbes: Six Science Based Reasons Why Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Social Laughter Triggers Endogenous Opioid Release in Humans
Laughter is Good for Your Heart, According to a New UMMC Study
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter in Mental Health: A Theoretical Review
The neural basis of humour processing
Scientific American: The Science of Laughter–and Why It Also Has a Dark Side
Signs of dementia could include sense of humour getting darker, says study
Dysregulation and Diagnostic Potential of microRNA in Alzheimer’s Disease